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Registration Instructions

Are you ready to embark on a journey of faith? 

 Registration for 2023-2024 is now open!

Step 1: Select your program of interest for cost & registration deadlines:

Catholic Biblical School & Escuela Bíblica Católica 

  • Module Registration: $255
  • Module Registration Deadlines:
      • Fall: Aug. 20
      • Winter: Oct.29
      • Spring: Feb. 11
  • Regular annual registration: $655 (3 modules) 
  • ***When registering for 3 modules in one transaction (1, 2, & 3; 4, 5, & 6; 7, 8, & 9; or, 10, 11, & 12), please use the coupon code CBS110DISC2024 at checkout to get the annual registration rate.*** 

Certificate of Pastoral Ministry/ Certificado en Ministerio Pastoral 

  • Members of parishes belonging to the Diocese of Dallas receive a special rate at $50/ class. 
  • From a different diocese?  We'd like to partner with you! Classes are open to all at a rate of $100/class until then. Please call 972-721-4118 to register if you are not a member of the Diocese of Dallas.
  • Registration Deadline: First Day of Class

Deacon Formation

Contact your local diocese to inquire about cost and registration. 

Teología del Cuerpo Online

  • Annual Registration: $490  
  • Registration Deadline: Septiembre 8

Step 2: Register online for your courses here>>

Questions about how to register? Watch these video tutorials, or contact us at 972-721-4118 or

*Please Note: Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment

Spanish language registration video tutorial:

English language registration video tutorial:


Step 3: Visit the Student Resources page.


  • Course fees are non-refundable and do not include books. 
  • Classes may be canceled due to low enrollment - payment will be refunded if this occurs. 
